How Can New Antimicrobial Print Coatings Help Your Business?
Antimicrobial soap has been around for nearly 50 years. Today, it is estimated that nearly 3 out of 4 soaps that are sold contain antimicrobial properties.
As consumers, we have become used to, and almost expect soaps to contain ingredients that deliver additional benefits. Not only do we want soap to clean our hands and face, We also want it to protect us.
COVID-19 Ushers in a New Era of Antimicrobial Treatments
Today we are constantly reminded of the threat of contracting the COVID virus. It’s ever- present in our work, home and play. It’s understandable that with an increased concern, new products and ideas are coming forth to enhance our safety.
Westamerica is an early adopter of specialized coatings that actually reduce the transmission of microbes from coated print materials.
Now, for just pennies, you can add an antimicrobial coating to your printed products. Think of it just like the antimicrobial soap, but for print materials.
Active Testing of the Antimicrobial Coating Continues Throughout the World
With the importance of transmission reduction only continuing to increase, it was just a matter of time before the testing agencies had a chance to review this coating for effectiveness against SARS-Cov-V2. While new information continues to come in daily on this topic, the latest information from London suggests that this coating actually will reduce spread significantly:
Who Should Consider Antimicrobial Print Coatings?
Most companies that interact with the consuming public should consider antimicrobial coatings in some or all of their printed products. The following industries are good candidates for antimicrobial coated print products:
- Consumer Products
- Pharmaceutical
- Education
- Restaurants and Hospitality
- Retail and Financial Services
- Healthcare
- Packaging Coatings
- Packaging Coatings
- Print Materials, Signs and Displays
- Menus, Signs and Displays
- Brochures, Flyers and Point of Sale
- Informational Brochures
One Company’s Example – An Early Adoption of Antimicrobial Packaging
Westamerica customer, Transfer Technology became an early adopter of this new coating for their products. As producers of Relieved Lidocaine patches, The Patch That Sticks!, Transfer Technology realized that adding the antimicrobial coating would add tremendous value to their product, differentiate themselves from other competitors and importantly, benefit their customers.
Dawn Hewitt, National Sales Director and Co-owner of Transfer Technology explained, “we believe that our retailers will appreciate the additional steps we’re taking to provide an extra layer of safety for the consumer. We are already raising the bar in the industry with our great product and now we offer an improved and enhanced package. It’s a win-win.”
Added Doug Grant , CEO of Westamerica, “we believe that with so much concern today for germ transmission, many products will be featuring these types of added safety precautions. For instance, having a protective coating at the consumer’s ‘point of touch’ will aid in reducing microbial growth. Think of how important this is for drug stores and other high traffic environments.”
Make the Consumer Aware of Your Use
Westamerica has developed support materials to help customers communicate their use of the new coating on any of the products that consumers may interact with. A dedicated web-site, will host featured information on developments within this area and the latest on news and information.
Additionally, artwork to support the use of these coatings can be provided for placement in company artwork. These well-designed logo images are intended to communicate confidence and safety at the consumer’s “point of touch.”
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