When to use a jingle in your marketing.
Jingles were the rage in the heydays of radio and TV advertising. Once sound was introduced into moving pictures and TV, the jingle was creative as a way to trigger a quick response in the mind of the consumer.
The Psychology of Jingles – the “Earworm”
Psychologists and neurologists who study the effects of music on the brain explain studies have shown music effects the brain on an emotional level – thus, music with a strong emotional connection to the listener is harder to forget.
It is for this reason that professional marketers often use popular music in advertising as a type of jingle. Just like original jingles, pop music often contain earworms– the easy to remember melody or tone that people will associate with a brand for years to come – similar to your average jingle. Earworms are those tiny, 15- to 30-second pieces of music that you can’t get out of your head no matter how hard you try.
The truth is that psychologists and neurologists don’t know the exact cause of earworms, but suspect it is the melody’s repetition that is at work on neural circuits within the human brain. Research found that shorter, simpler melodies were most easily stuck in human minds, creating earworms. Research has also shown earworms are more prevalent in women, as well as musicians. (source: The Barnes Firm)
Jingles are effective in advertising for many reasons
According to Score a Score, jingles still remain relevant even though Media consumption patterns have changed significantly. Fewer people now rely on radio and TV as their primary sources of information. More people rely on various platforms on the internet to get information. Also, there is a significant increase in on-demand media consumption.
According to a Quality Logo survey, 63.1% of people watch jingles on TV, streaming platforms such as YouTube and Hulu being the second most popular media for jingles while Radio jingles are now third on the list.
People also watch jingles as pop-up ads on websites and browsers, music streaming platforms such as Spotify and Pandora, on gaming apps, as well as in-app ads.
One of the top benefits of jingle marketing is that it can be used across the board on various electronic media. If your jingle is interesting enough, it can be shared and viewed by millions, which broadens your brand reach and awareness.
You can even send your jingle in a sound chip via direct mail!
Is creating and using a Jingle the right approach for your brand?
It all depends on three things:
1. The story you are telling.
2. How uniquely you can position yourself using your jingle.
3. Does your media choice and budget allow you to spend enough to build the type of recall and awareness using your jingle?
It all starts with the right “slogan”
This looks like a fun site where you can create your own slogans: https://www.shopify.com/tools/slogan-maker