In today’s crowded marketplace you need an advertising method that will capture the attention of consumers and get your message out. Many companies rely on large format marketing and merchandising tools to do just that. With large format signage you are only limited by your imagination.
Digital large format printing is used to produce everything from banners to trade show graphics; vehicle wraps to building wraps; H-stake yard signs to outdoor billboard signs.
Benefits of using Large Format Printing
The benefits of using large format printing in your marketing campaigns are many. First, large format printing can help you take advantage of existing client traffic patterns. With the ability to print on a variety of substrates large format printing is a great medium for creating engaging wall murals. A photo wall mural with captivating images and creative text can grab the attention of consumers and introduce them to your products and services.
And, due to the variety of printable substrates, you could augment your wall mural with images and text printed onto wood or glass panels then mounted to the wall. I’ve even heard of a company printing a photo of a pop singer or other pop culture icon onto an office door.
Besides the ability to print onto a variety of surfaces, digital large format printing allows you to print just one or a few copies of your marketing materials. This reminds me of the old Burma-Shave roadside sign campaigns. Not that I’m old enough to remember, but from 1925 to 1966 this company would use a series of six roadside signs to advertise the benefits of using their brand of brushless shaving cream. The signs were spaced out along the road or highway. Each sign contained part of a rhyme or verse. In that way, as a motorist would pass, they’d read each sign and by the final sign they’d have read the entire advertisement. It was very creative.
That’s the biggest advantage of large format printing. You’re only limited by your imagination. You really have an endless choice of printable substrates for indoor use, outdoor use and everything in between. Here are some of the large format printing materials available to you:
- Wood
- Glass
- Vinyl
- Foam Core
- Gator Board
- Wallpaper
- Metal and Plastic Sheeting
- Plastic and Paper Corrugate
- Carpet
- Wrapping Paper
What you need to know about Large Format Printing
Our creative, production and finishing services can deliver the solutions you need to drive your marketing message. Whether you’re looking for large format printing in Los Angeles County or large format printing in Orange County, we can help.
If you have your own creative services and are designing for large format printing talk with us first. We can explain how to prepare images for large format printing. We’ll discuss proper resolution and also help you understand how resizing images for large format printing will create a better final product.
Maybe you just have an idea or concept and you need some help to make it become a reality. Westamerica has both the creative and technical staff to build your one-of-a-kind solution. We can build a powerful single image or a comprehensive campaign using our in-house creative staff. We can even create custom photography with our in-house photographer.
While this may not be everything you need to know about large format printing I hope I helped you to better understand the possibilities and benefits available to you. When you’re ready to create indoor wall signage, window graphics or even outdoor building signage, remember, you’re only limited by your imagination.